星期三, 三月 21, 2012



26 条评论:

  1. 可以要求教会邀请他们在主日或团契中,向大家分享如何能够在不符合政府条件资格下,成功申请【1个马来西亚手提电脑】甚至是【1个马来西亚500援助金】等相关手续或通道。好消息是要传开来的,不然你们就有罪了!

  2. Isn't it that this sort of application for 1 Malaysia laptop computer (supposedly for poorer group) is supposed to go through our church pastors? Excuse me if I am wrong?

  3. All wealthy church leaders who successfully applied for the 1 malaysia computer should tender their resignation,as their actions have jeoperdised our church's images and caused Jesus ashamed.

    Report by Eric Luk is true and I also support all comments by him.

    Church leader... just a cheap 1 malaysia computer able to smash you down. How can you be so weak??.

  4. 多了解事件的來龍去脈後再下評論吧...

  5. 向政府申请【1个马来西亚手提电脑】及【1个马来西亚500援助金】有不對嗎?

  6. Not wrong so long as one has met the prerequisite laid down by the government, one of which is that an applicant must be within the category of poor, in both figures and truthfulness.

  7. 楼上匿名的简直就是“企有此理”。

    1. 是的。我赞同您的说法。

  8. The basic criteria for eligibility to receive the laptops, is have a monthly household income of not more than RM3,000. I wonder how these 'leaders' who can drive such luxury cars to the church but his family total income is less than 3000 ringgit per month.

  9. They are many poorer peoples/church members than "poor church leaders" among us.

    Since the government assigned church to co-ordinate these subsidies to the real poor people, our church have the full responsibility to ensures that its fall in the right people hands.

    Our church is different from association or societies, we do all thing for extra miles and extra effort....

    if the church leader who are in so called in poor category and entitle for the computers, ask themselves, are they still many poorer people around them and they deserve the computer more than the "poor church leaders".

    The "poor church leaders" should help poorer church members to apply the computer and not applied for themselves in the first place.

    This should be right attitude of church leaders.

    Don't fool around with this government subsidies loose holes.

  10. 这就是政治的黑暗,真正需要帮忙的却得不到帮助。

  11. I understand that most of our churches in Sibu town were allocated laptops according to their respective sizes for distribution to the eligible church members (those who are categorised as poor according to the definition of the government). Can we have some kind of transparency by making the recipient list available? I am sure we have nothing to hide! The list may be pasted on the notice boards of the respective churches for viewing. This is one way to dispel the doubts.

  12. I agree that the name list shall be posted on the church notice boards or Sunday service bulletin.

    Nothing to hide,they are not doing anything wrong under malaysia's Laws.

    The name list will give church members peace of mind to known where about the laptop, that all.

  13. 这就是人性中的贪啊!这些申请一马电脑的教会领袖应该把得来的手电转赠给贫穷的需要者。你们的行为让基督徒蒙羞啊!

  14. What I am equally concerned is the approving procedure of our church in giving out the laptops intended for the deserving poor church members. How did the wealthy church members manage to get through the scanning process? Are the approving authorities too loose or are the wealthy ones too smart? We really have to review our system and get ourselves ready for another possible onslaught of 1 Malaysia scheme. The time now is taxing with the drums beating loud for the 13th GE.

  15. Dear God, grant us the wisdom to see and hear your words and the courage and confidence to act according to your will. Amen.

  16. It was reported a wealthy ex-church leader used eligible poor church member name successfully apply for the 1 Malaysia Laptop and in return reward the poor church member RM500.00 for the exchange of the laptop.

    That is too bad............

  17. It is shocking that this sort of "partnership for convenience" also happened in our church! This just shows how easily we may succumb to Satan's temptation if the foundation of our faith is weak.

  18. Some bright sight from a church,

    Our sister Chang CY, who is our church administrative clerk had successfully applied for the 1 Malaysia laptop and she give the laptop to her colleague who is poor but not eligible to apply due to some restrictions.

    Her action glorified Juses name.

    Reality wealthy and pretend "poor church leaders" should learn something from our sister Chang CY.

  19. 我也很想申請一架, 可是我拿到的話, 我的良知會不安, 我怕, 也怕上帝。 不是我高調, 而是要有一點“基督徒” 的 個調。tolong, tolong,

  20. that other who have the laptop do the same thing also,
    give to the one who real need. hope the discuss can stop now.

    1. Don't blame and complaints other people mistakes.

      Not because other people made mistakes or committed sin and it become rationale or not so wrong for us to follow their wrong footsteps.

      Mind your own business.

      If you do somethings wrong ask forgiveness from the relevant counterparts

      This is good platform for discussion.

    2. since the damages is done, please seek advise from your church's pastor-in-charge on how to reconcile back the mistakes.

  21. It is right to correct their wrongdoing but threaten to disclose their identities or publicly condemn their action are not appropriate steps. I agree with the above that to seek advise from Church PIC.

  22. The way I see it is that it is perfectly alright to put up the laptop recipient list for viewing by church members. When the Nazib administration could be transparent enough to make the RM500 aid recipient lists available for public viewing, I see scanty reason why our church cannot do so to clear the clouds away. Isn't it true that Methodist Church upholds the principle of clarity and the principle of disclosure? What makes us hold back now?

  23. 谢谢以上所有参与此话题网友的评论及意见!言论者所言的一切不能代表本网立场!特此声明!感恩。




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