星期日, 八月 23, 2015

主内牧师、长执、教会领袖,以及弟兄姐妹: 我们以上帝的慈悲、怜悯、信实与公义向大家问安。鉴于国难当头,国家急需更多的人民站出来对国家政治乱局的大是大非表达立场。我们来自全国各地的基督徒决定参与Bersih4.0所号召的上街和平集会运动,希望借此可以让全国人民看到不愿意与黑暗同流合污的人民还是有希望的。只要我们尊崇理性、和平、怜悯、慈悲、公义、民主、自由等等公共原则,我们是可以靠着上帝的公义与慈爱向已失控的政治乱局喊停的。





Dear pastors, deacons, church leaders and brothers and sisters in Christ,

We greet you in the kindness, compassion, faithfulness and righteousness of God. As our country is facing with huge crises, more people are needed to take a stance on the current political chaos. Therefore, we, Christians from all around the country, decided to take part in the peaceful rally that called by Bersih 4.0. We hope that through this civic commitment, it can demonstrate that those who refuse to join with the corrupted one can still have reasons for hope. As long as we uphold the public principles of reason, peace, compassion, kindness, righteousness and freedom, by the righteousness and kindness of God, we can halt the uncontrollable political chaos.

For this reason, we sincerely urge the churches of Malaysia to pray earnestly for this country, may the Spirit of truth stir up more Christians to stand up in peace, righteousness and with hope, to participate in this movement. For the church can no longer be the silent one. The church should be bold enough to speak for justice as their testimonial in public issues, which is also the calling from Lord.

Apart from calling the churches to join the peaceful rally that protest to the injustices, we also urge those Christians that can't join us on the street, not only pray for us but also support us, like providing physical resources, in order to look after the basic needs of the participants. If it is possible, we even hope that the churches can ask the believers to gather in one heart on August 29 and 30 to pray for the country as well as the rally.

We also consider to held a Christian prayer meeting at the site of rally, Dataran Merdeka of Kuala Lumpur on August 29 evening, where Christians that present at the rally, and even nearby churches that able to attend are to be invited, to pray together. We also mulling over a simple but no less solemn Sunday Worship at the same site on August 30 Sunday morning.

So, we sincerely urge the churches to pray for these needs earnestly, besides joining the peaceful rally, according to the good works of the Holy Spirit that did on every Christians, boldly response to the current needs and crises that our country is facing now. This is the testimony that the Christian churches need to demonstrate in this time of trials.

星期四, 八月 20, 2015

最新资讯: 净选盟4 已经取得 警方准证 于 古晋独立广场 举行 集会. (诗巫日讯)诗巫净选盟号召民众踊跃参与在古晋净选盟集会4.0. 诗巫净选盟已在日前召开会议并初步拟定500人参与古晋净选盟集会。 净选盟是民间组织,不附属任何政党,希望各党和个人认同净选盟五大诉求的人,欢迎你跟随我们前往集会。 五大诉求是1)干净选举2)干净政府3)重组经济4)异议权力5)增强国会民主

呼吁民众可以提供金钱援助给予该组织,让五百人可以前往集会,有意人士可以通过网上捐款给该户口号码 512295102931 Maybank bersih & adil Network Sdn Bhd 并且注明 bersih sibu. 将该数据拍摄并传送给 Mr kong 012-8989699
Mr Hung 016-8876273 (诗巫)Mr Wong 016-8681630 (泗里街)George Chen 0198873515 (加拿逸)
也会致函给诗巫,泗里街,南兰,加拿逸,selangau 和沐加国州议员出席集会和捐款。

【马来西亚政府你怎么说, 你简直及就没有人性(人权)】 国际人权组织炮轰纳吉领导的大马国阵政府,挑战纳吉如果不严肃看待及重视人权问题、维护人权的话,就应该退出联合国! 这项挑战形同对纳吉狠狠掴了一个响亮的耳光。

Quit UN if not keen to defend human rights for all, watchdog tells Putrajaya
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak gives a speech during the International Wasatiyyah Seminar 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, August 18, 2015. — Bernama picPETALING JAYA, Aug 18 — Human Rights Watch (HRW) challenged Malaysia today to withdraw from the United Nations (UN) if the government was not serious about upholding human rights for all.
HRW’s Asia division deputy director Phil Robertson told a news conference here that he was shocked by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s promise earlier today to uphold human rights only within the Islamic context.
“The logical argument from that would be Malaysia should resign from the UN. Is Malaysia prepared to do that?” he asked.
Robertson said governments only made such statements when they want to abuse human rights, especially if they face pressure from human rights activists.
He said it was important for human rights advocates to continue piling pressure on Putrajaya so that the government will stick to its duty as a member of the UN and follow the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
At a separate function earlier today, Najib pledged that his administration will do its best to uphold human rights here, but only within the confines of Islam.
Najib said this was in line with the Islamic teaching of balance and wasatiyyah (moderation), adding that Muslim Malaysia cannot defend the more extreme aspect of human rights, citing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transexual rights as example.
“Although universal human rights have been defined, we still define human rights in the country in the context of Islam and the Shariah.
“And even if we cannot defend human rights at an international level, we must defend it in the Islamic context,” Najib told the International Wasatiyyah Seminar 2015 (Islam and The Younger Generation: Challenges and Hopes) in Bangi.


星期四, 八月 13, 2015

爱玩智慧手机的乘客们这里有一项好消息:马来西亚亚洲航空公司【亚航/AirAsia】正式开始在一些飞机上提供网络WIFI服务,让乘客们也能在飞机飞行时享有网络服务,每次收费为马币9零吉!刚刚一位从吉隆坡回诗巫的朋友,在登机时看见飞机门贴上”网络服务/WIFI AVAILABLE"标签!

【名字越輝煌, 越貴氣,磨刀殺你的成份就越大】2015马来西亚国家银行公布最新黑名单公司!赶快查查看,是否有没有这些黑名单公司围绕着你呢!

1)云数贸 (金字塔传销,原始股诈骗集团)
3)Mbi , Mface (虚拟币,非法集资)
4)World Ventures (金字塔旅游传销)
5)南宁投资诈骗 (金字塔骗局)
6)Boss Venture (非法集资)
7)Ufun Utoken (虚拟币,非法集资)
8)必赢集团bwin (老鼠会,非法集资诈骗集团)
9)Fusion Excel International 神奇火山石 (原始股诈骗)
10)刮刮乐集团 (诈骗集团)
11)Asian Bitcoin (虚拟币交易)
12)Genneva ( 金玉华黄金骗案)
13)Mc Ocean (非法集资)
15)Mega Wisdom (无牌非法集资诈骗集团)
16)Mu Club (香港lucky 2 u ) (无牌非法集资诈骗集团)
17)马来西亚MC 天使基金 (money game )金字塔非法集资
18)RCFX Forex ( illegal forex trading ) 非法外汇投资
19)GPLF (Global peace loving family) 非法集资诈骗
20)IBS Forex ( illegal forex trading ) 非法外汇投资
21)M.O.P Forex ( illegal forex trading ) 非法外汇投资
22)MAXIM TRADER ( illegal forex trading ) 非法外汇投资
23)IRONFX ( illegal forex trading ) 非法外汇投资
24)天鹰国际联盟 ( illegal forex trading ) 非法外汇投资
25) GSM 聚宝金融 ( illegal forex trading ) 非法外汇投资
26)T1FX FOREX ( illegal forex trading ) 非法外汇投资
27)BLACKLIST LOAN AGENCY ( 协助失格人士借贷骗局)
29)ASEAN PARADISE ( 非法集资诈骗)
30)QNET (MLM 拉人头老鼠会)
31)TONE EXCEL (无直销执照老鼠会)
32)MY AUNEW (快速致富非法集资诈骗集团)
33)PHYTO SCIENCE (快速致富老鼠会)
35)Organo Gold Coffee (非法金字塔传销)
36)Island red coffe 红岛咖啡诈骗案(金字塔传销诈骗)
37)真善美 (标会诈骗集团)非法集资
38)XXXX (快速致富传销)
39)Winalite Global 月朗国际 (快速致富传销)
40)1Whp ( 金字塔老鼠会)
41) winglab king saver 省电卡 (诈骗集团)
42) UMATRIN 优美庭 (非法集资)注册与商业性质不同
43)五军克拉币 K COIN (虚拟币诈骗盘)
44)龙珠果 (非法集资诈骗盘)
46)赢讯通 (非法集资诈骗盘)
47)古来老伴豆花假车牌案 (幽灵车,人头车)
48)Alphawave ( 快速致富金字塔老鼠会)
49)沉香木 (诈骗集团)
50)Royale Gold Sdn Bhd (非法集资派息老鼠会)
51)Public Golden House (黄金诈骗公司)
52)Emgoldex (无牌黄金交易,非法集资派息)
53)BClifestyle (非法集资)
54)GEMCOIN USFIA (琥珀诈骗集团)
55)MIS 广告点击诈骗集团
56)Instaforex ( illegal forex trading ) 非法外汇投资




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