星期日, 八月 23, 2015

主内牧师、长执、教会领袖,以及弟兄姐妹: 我们以上帝的慈悲、怜悯、信实与公义向大家问安。鉴于国难当头,国家急需更多的人民站出来对国家政治乱局的大是大非表达立场。我们来自全国各地的基督徒决定参与Bersih4.0所号召的上街和平集会运动,希望借此可以让全国人民看到不愿意与黑暗同流合污的人民还是有希望的。只要我们尊崇理性、和平、怜悯、慈悲、公义、民主、自由等等公共原则,我们是可以靠着上帝的公义与慈爱向已失控的政治乱局喊停的。





Dear pastors, deacons, church leaders and brothers and sisters in Christ,

We greet you in the kindness, compassion, faithfulness and righteousness of God. As our country is facing with huge crises, more people are needed to take a stance on the current political chaos. Therefore, we, Christians from all around the country, decided to take part in the peaceful rally that called by Bersih 4.0. We hope that through this civic commitment, it can demonstrate that those who refuse to join with the corrupted one can still have reasons for hope. As long as we uphold the public principles of reason, peace, compassion, kindness, righteousness and freedom, by the righteousness and kindness of God, we can halt the uncontrollable political chaos.

For this reason, we sincerely urge the churches of Malaysia to pray earnestly for this country, may the Spirit of truth stir up more Christians to stand up in peace, righteousness and with hope, to participate in this movement. For the church can no longer be the silent one. The church should be bold enough to speak for justice as their testimonial in public issues, which is also the calling from Lord.

Apart from calling the churches to join the peaceful rally that protest to the injustices, we also urge those Christians that can't join us on the street, not only pray for us but also support us, like providing physical resources, in order to look after the basic needs of the participants. If it is possible, we even hope that the churches can ask the believers to gather in one heart on August 29 and 30 to pray for the country as well as the rally.

We also consider to held a Christian prayer meeting at the site of rally, Dataran Merdeka of Kuala Lumpur on August 29 evening, where Christians that present at the rally, and even nearby churches that able to attend are to be invited, to pray together. We also mulling over a simple but no less solemn Sunday Worship at the same site on August 30 Sunday morning.

So, we sincerely urge the churches to pray for these needs earnestly, besides joining the peaceful rally, according to the good works of the Holy Spirit that did on every Christians, boldly response to the current needs and crises that our country is facing now. This is the testimony that the Christian churches need to demonstrate in this time of trials.





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