Sibu is moving but at a slower pace when compared to Kuching, Miri or even Bintulu. It is worth a while for Sibuians to ponder over it. Is it due to the slackness of the politicians? Just take a look at our airport - it took years for us to have a new airport in 1995. But inadequacies and shortcomings surfaced shortly in less than two years' time because the drawings of the so-called new airport were dated back to more than 15 years. Alas, Sibu is not only lagging behind other cities/towns, but also sadly getting subprime projects.
回复删除ermm..i don't know i should say this or not... but in july, the general election would have been over and is ah jib gor able to secure his position as prime minister, or instead becoming parliamentary opposition leader~~
回复删除Ah Jib Ge is setting his golden fingers on the election gadget to orchestrate perhaps one the most abused GEs ever held in Malaysia to retain his power.
回复删除Chilly wind is blowing all over with dark clouds gathering fast over us. It is now not just Ah Jib Ge drumming up for more votes, back in Sarawak here Datuk Peter Chin and Datuk Seri Wong Soon Koh are arm-wrestling with each other to nominate candidates for Sibu and Lanang constituencies. SUPP is already tightly in a hot soup and yet Daruk Peter Chin still has his time to dip his finger into Sibu business. Rightly he should spend his precious time in Kuching which is a doom and gloom.
日前我家父因年约七八十岁也抱病多年期间,有位自称【国家密探及神父】的四十余年岁的混血男子冒充我父签名签下向他借下巨款达马币六百余万之后,终于被我们发现此事完全是欺骗兼老千所为,立即向古晋警察局举报此事(借款合约)为作假签名行为。报案后数月发现警方对此案件无进展,就向警方求助关于此案件进展程度,结果询问后此案件才发现此案件不止没进展反而还被【撤销】案件处理。看看这还有天理吗?(原来这位【国家密探及神父】和砂罗越警方及各政府部门都是Abang Adik关系)。请大家评评论这些【官商勾结】的政府部门们这样的全心陷害和伤害我们(人民),那我们又能向谁【伸冤】呢!!!!!!在此呼吁在职的政客及人民代议士们是否你们能【站出来】代我们【伸冤】出气吗?
A clean GE is what we hope for. But the happenings tell us that the upcoming GE might be muddier than the water of our mighty Rejang River. Let us all wake up to the call for transparency and cleanliness. Malaysia badly needs politics of change, for change and by change!
回复删除Eric, when our PM introduced GTP, he set KPI for every department. The mishandling of your father's case by Police Dept. is most disturbing. Has the dept. met the required KPI? we are curious to know!