我很少去那一带,如果旧kampung头和广场有一座美观的桥连节起来就更好.the bridge should have architectural design,steel structure with tension cable,only for pedestrian and bicycle.hope there would be more development investment at tat area,to create another cbd of sibu.
i wonder why it doenst have any children playground?it is such a big space, and without anything in there, it is just such a waste. if sibu ppl are all moral minded, we can have bbq area in the square.
我很少去那一带,如果旧kampung头和广场有一座美观的桥连节起来就更好.the bridge should have architectural design,steel structure with tension cable,only for pedestrian and bicycle.hope there would be more development investment at tat area,to create another cbd of sibu.
回复删除希望将来政府可以把第二期的广场场地美化到像第一期那样, 而不是铺几片洋灰地砖和铺沥青就变成了第二期广场。
回复删除i wonder why it doenst have any children playground?it is such a big space, and without anything in there, it is just such a waste. if sibu ppl are all moral minded, we can have bbq area in the square.