星期六, 二月 08, 2014

为人父母,你想了吗? 如你只有10年孩子就要进大学,你需要每个月储蓄1200令吉!如孩子要出国留学英美澳纽, 那将需要更多。如你有几个会读书的孩子都要留学, 那你预备一辈子做几份工储蓄吧! 这就是为何很多人留在国外。

In financial planning, children's education fund is an important part of it unless you don't wish to have a child, or do not have a child for some reasons.
This education fund is for their tertiary education (pre-U & university/college) when they graduate from secondary schools.
How much should parent save for their children education funds? Is it RM50k, RM200k or RM500k?
Of course this depends very much on which courses and where the children want to study.
Here are some info from StudyMalaysia regarding average tertiary education cost in Malaysia's private colleges & universities.

1 条评论:

  1. please study at the University College of Technology Sarawak




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